07 Aug Mourad Debbabi
Mourad Debbabi is a Full Professor at the Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering and Associate Dean Research and Graduate Studies at the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science. He holds the NSERC/Hydro-Quebec Thales Senior Industrial Research Chair in Smart Grid Security and the Concordia Research Chair Tier I in Information Systems Security. He is also the President of the National Cyber Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA) Canada. He is also a member of CATAAlliance’s Cybercrime Advisory Council. He is the founder and one of the leaders of the Security Research Centre at Concordia University. In the past, he was the Specification Lead of four Standard JAIN (Java Intelligent Networks) Java Specification Requests dedicated to the elaboration of standard specifications for presence and instant messaging. Dr. Debbabi holds Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in computer science from Paris-XI Orsay, University, France. He published 3 books and more than 300 peer-reviewed research articles in international journals and conferences on cyber security, cyber forensics, privacy, cryptographic protocols, threat intelligence generation, malware analysis, reverse engineering, specification and verification of safety-critical systems, smart grid, programming languages and type theory. He supervised to successful completion 30 Ph.D. students, 72 Master students and 14 Postdoctoral Fellows. He served as a Senior Scientist at the Panasonic Information and Network Technologies Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey, USA; Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department of Laval University, Canada; Senior Scientist at General Electric Research Center, New York, USA; Research Associate at the Computer Science Department of Stanford University, California, USA; and Permanent Researcher at the Bull Corporate Research Center, Paris, France.
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