20 Sep Sorana Ionescu
Sorana is the Director of Smart Metering at the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO).
The IESO is a crown corporation that plans and operates Ontario’s power system and wholesale electricity market to secure the lowest-cost supply to meet the province’s energy needs. This involves forecasting electricity demand, planning for the province’s electricity needs, and balancing the supply and demand second by second.
As the province’s designated Smart Metering Entity, the IESO is also responsible for operating Ontario’s Meter Data Management and Repository, a complex and unique platform in North America that enables the process of electricity consumption data from over five million smart meters. The SME ensures rigorous and consistent billing practices for Ontario’s 57 local distribution companies, while also leveraging this rich data in support of grid forecasting and planning, policy development, rate design, and pricing models, regional planning, energy efficiency programs, and other key applications.
Sorana also leads the IESO’s Data Excellence program, which brings together effective data governance practices and a modern approach to technology and analytics, while fostering a data culture within the organization.
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