20 Jul Jacqueline Corbett
Corbett, J. & Savarimuthu, B.T.R. (2022) From Tweets to Insights: A Social Media Analysis of the Emotion Discourse of Sustainable Energy in the United States, Energy Research & Social Science, 89, 1-15.
Corbett, J, & Lakshmi, V. (2022) Combining Design Thinking and the Socio-Technical-Ecological Systems Perspective to Understand Greenhouse Growers’ Experiences with Energy Management Solutions, 55th Hawaii International Conference of System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, HI, January 2022.
Corbett, J. and Lakshmi, V. (2021) “Leveraging the Internet of Things and Open Data to Support Clean Energy in the Greenhouse Sector: Preliminary Summary of Research Findings, February 2021”, Université Laval.
Nishant, R., Kennedy, M. & Corbett, J. (2020) Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability: Challenges, Opportunities, and a Research Agenda, International Journal of Information Management, 53, 1-13.
Wu, R., and Corbett, J. (2019) Insights into Customer Adoption in: Innovation in the Electricity Industry: Focus on Distributed Renewable Electricity Generation, 1(2), p. 1-8.
Corbett, J., Wardle, K. & Chen, C. (2018) Toward a Sustainable Modern Electricity Grid: The Effects of Smart Metering and Program Investments on Demand-Side Management Performance in the US Electricity Sector 2009-2012. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 65(2), 252-263.
Corbett, J., Savarimuthu, T. and Mohanna, M. (2018) Are Electricity Prosumers More Engaged? An Analysis of Brand-Follower Engagement on Twitter, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), New Orleans, LA, August 2018.
Wu, R., and Corbett, J. (2018) Exploring the Changing Utility-Customer Relationship in: Innovation in the Electricity Industry: Focus on Distributed Renewable Electricity Generation, 1(1), p. 1-9.
Corbett, J. and Chen, C. (2015) Big Data Efficiency, Information Waste and Lean Big Data Management: Lessons from the Smart Grid Implementation, International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM), Ottawa, ON.
Corbett, J. and Webster, J. (2015) Organizational Sensemaking and Big Data Frames: Opportunity, Control and Data Limitation, 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Kauai, Hawaii.
Corbett, J. (2013) Using Information Systems to Improve Energy Efficiency: Do Smart Meters Make a Difference, Information Systems Frontiers, 15, 747–760.
Corbett, J. (2012) Leaders and Lemmings: Organizational Responses to Smart Grid Transformation, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Seattle, WA.
Corbett, J. (2011) Demand Management in the Smart Grid: An Information Processing Perspective Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Detroit, MI
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