22 Sep Rod Doornbosch
Rod Doornbosch is an Enterprise Architect IT/OT with FortisAlberta, a large distribution utility, where his primary area of expertise is Operational Field Technologies and Communications. Mr. Doornbosch has been in the utility industry for more than 14 years, and in IT & R&D for more than 25 years. He describes himself as a true Polymath and Intrapreneur that “plants & waters bamboo”. Before joining FortisAlberta he held numerous IT and Data Analytics roles in Transportation, Industrial, Government, and Manufacturing. Mr Doornbosch has been a vocal component, advocating for the regulatory, and policy changes required to allow for the build out of shared Critical Communications Infrastructure.
Rod works at all levels and in several domains at once. This multifaceted approach and role diversity gives him a unique perspective allowing him to be just as comfortable in the field as behind a desk, presenting or advocating. Always searching for the next “thing” he’s able to connect technology and people to real world solutions. When he’s not advocating you can find him fabricating, building furniture, or doing R&D. Don’t let his size scare you, when he’s done work, he likes to regale listeners with stories over drinks.
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